Overdue Library Book Slips
Starting in October, I will be sending "overdue library book slips" to classroom teachers to send home with their students. Please ensure that your child's library books are treated carefully and returned on time. Books are expensive and the cost of having to replace books is money that could have been used in other areas of our school. In addition, there are books in our collection that cannot be readily replaced. It's particularly sad when students lose our beautiful, hard-bound picture books.
Lost Books
We send home "overdue library book slips," check the library and classrooms thoroughly for books that students say they have returned. After a thorough search, the book is declared "lost" in our library system and a cost/fine is generated. Families are expected to pay for lost library books. If the book is found at any time and checked back into the library, the library system notifies us and the money is refunded.
Please return all library books and help us to keep our books in good condition
so all students can enjoy them for many years.